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절루정리한 영어재료입니다

변호사로펌 | 2006.03.23 20:30:28 댓글: 23 조회: 8245 추천: 32
분류영어 https://life.moyiza.kr/langstudy/1751099
1. I kept a dream diary
2. I wonder what my dream means.
3. I can’t remember what I dream last night.
4. I dream in color.
5. I dream in black and white.
6. Yellow represents peace and intellect.
7. Brown represents commitment and may mean you should be more down to earth.
8. I dreamed that I was falling.
9. I dreamed that I was flying.
10. I dreamed that sb. died.
11. I dreamed that I was in the desert.
12. I need a good night’s sleep.
13. I slept well last night. / I didn’t sleep well last night.
14. Did you sleep well?
15. He is in a deep sleep.
16. He fell into a deep sleep.
I had a really bad dream last night.
A nightmare?  About what?
About… you…
Are you mad at me? What happened?
No, but I don’t want to scare you…
Tell me!

Wendy, I dreamed about you again…
Oh! Was it good or bad?
Good. You met a man in a blue suit and you were talking with him secretly.
I’m married! I wouldn’t do that.
Listen! My book about dreams says it means victory or opportunity.
Well, you were right one… But I love John and John along! (after a while)
Wendy, the man in the dream may just be a symbol.
I hope so.  How do you remember all these dreams?
I kept a dream diary.  I write them down every morning.
That helps you remember?
It helps to think about dreaming before you sleep.
It sounds too easy.
After having a good night’s sleep, you may write down what you are thinking when you wake up. It takes practice.

Oh Beth, I have news for you!
I have to tell you my dream first.
Go ahead.
I was in a dark green forest, all alone, smelling the trees…
Hmmm…maybe you need to go camping…
Funny.  The books says that green means self-awareness and forests symbolizes tranquility.
I think you are realizing your destiny.
You have a talent for knowing things before they happen. You should become a psychic.
I was right only one time.
No, two times.  Remember the man in the blue suit dream?
Yes, victory or opportunity…
I just found out that I beat 300 applicants for the job that I wanted!
Thank you!
Not at all.

                  Unit 2   DAILY  LIFE

1.        Do you live in a co-ed dorm or in one just for girls?
2.        I don’t have enough privacy in a co-ed dorm.
3.        My roommate and I get along very well.
4.        It is my turn to clean the bathroom.
5.        It’s sunny today. We’d better hang the bedding out in the sun.
6.        My washing has really piled up.
7.        What time do you set your alarm clock for?
8.        Do you ever sleep through your alarm clock?
9.        I got up very late, because it was Sunday.
10.        Get up immediately or you will be late for work.
11.        I’ve only just woken up, I had no idea it was so late.
12.        I like to wash my face with cold water, so you don’t need to turn on the water heater.
13.        I shouldn’t be ready for half an hour yet.
14.        I’m busy right now, let’s just have a light meal somewhere.
15.        What should I put on?
16.        Did you wash your face?
17.        Have you brushed your teeth?
18.        I have to comb my hair.
19.        Make up the bed.
20.        What would you like to eat for breakfast.
Betty, which dorm do you live in?
I live in 502 room, building 2.
Is it co-ed?
No, it’s just for girls, but you still can visit.
I will if I have time.
I’m going to take part in the football match this afternoon and I’m afraid it won’t be over till very late.
Shall I order you supper?
No, thanks.  It will be OK with a hot dog in the dining-room, that will be my supper.
But it wouldn’t be any trouble for me to bring your supper.
I’m not sure when I will be back.  Thank you all the same.  But don’t forget to fetch some hot water for me.

Every morning , I take a long shower and wash my hair.
I take a quick cold shower.  It gives me anergy.  Ah-choo!
I see it gave you a cold , too.
Bless you!
Thank you.

Put on your make-up, and don’t forget to comb your hair.
Why don’t you get dressed?
I am dressed!
But you don’t have any socks on!

Tom, wake up!  It’s almost seven o’clock.
Oh, morning, mum.  Did the alarm clock ring?
Yes, it did.
But I didn’t hear it at all.
What time did you set last night?
Six o’clock.
Hurry up, or you will be late for school.  Are you feeling ill?
No, I’m only sleepy because I stayed awake the whole night.
Breakfast is ready.  Get dressed and get out of the bed.  Don’t forget to wash your face and brush your teeth before you eat breakfast.
OK. I’m coming.
Well, why didn’t you sleep last night.
I’m worried about today’s exam.
My son, everything is OK for you, isn’t it?
Yes, mum.  I just have a little worried.
Forget it at present.  This is your breakfast.
Thank you, mum.

Unit 3 Eating and Drinking
1.        It is delicious to eat bean curd in China.
2.        How about some more beef?  There is plenty more.
3.        Let give you some chicken.
4.        Corn is a useful plant.
5.        It can be eaten by both people and animals.
6.        In England, they usually call tomatoes “love apples”.
7.        Tomatoes were first taken back to Europe by early travellers.
8.        When was corn first brought to China?
9.        About 450 years ago corn was first brought to China.
10.        The eggs I brought yesterday were not fresh.
11.        He prefers the cheese that comes from his parents’ farm.
12.        The noodles were delicious.
13.        The man sells fresh vegetables.
14.        I prefer dumplings which have just been cooked.
15.        The seeds of fruit trees were taken back to Europe from China.
16.        Could I have…, please? / I’d like to have…
17.        No more, thanks, I’m full.
18.        How’s everything? Is everything OK?
19.        It’s my treat.
20.        Your seat is at Table 20.
21.        Yes, it is the famous Longjing tea.  I brought it with me all the way from China.
22.        What dressing is this?
23.        I have never been to a Chinese restaurant in town.
24.        I’m sorry the meat is not done enough.
25.        Milk is my love, but I’m not used to drinking the cold one.
26.        That was the most wonderful dinner I’ve ever had.
27.        Bacon and eggs are the popular American breakfast.
28.        Where are the canned foods?
29.        Stir-fried green peppers are delicious.
30.        Garlic and ginger are essential for Chinese cooking.

Here is the menu.
Thank you.
Are you ready to order now?
Yes, I will have curried beef, chicken velvet, borsch, and green beans, sour cucumber.  Borsch first… they say it is extra food in this fast food restaurant.
What kind of salad…?
I’ll have the tossed green salad.
What kind of dressing do you want?
I’ll have French dressing.
Anything else?
Nothing else.  Thank you.
You’re welcome.  How about you, Miss?
I’ll take shrimps and green peas.
And what about you, Miss?
Nothing else.  Thank you.
I’ll try today’s special.
I am sure you will like it.
I am sure.  Let’s see what is included in this special.
Hope it tastes good.
I think it does.
Is that all?
Yes, that’s all, thank you.
You are welcome.

Good evening, are you ready to order now?
Yes, I believe we are.
Could I get you anything from the bar this evening?
For myself I’d like a glass of red wine, please.
Could I have an ice tea, please?
Certainly.  Now, for your meals, may I suggest our special this evening?  Lamp chop with mint sauce on the side, and with every main course you have the choice between both rice, potatoes or French fries, and Caesar or garden salad.
Actually, I’m thinking I might try your lasagna.  Do you make it with a variety of Italian cheeses?
Yes, we do.  Lasagna is the most flavoured.  What would you like on the side, madam?
French fries and Caesar salad would be great, thank you.
I’ll have the house special, with potatoes and garden salad.
Thank you.

May I have your order now?
We’d have your regular dinner.  What courses are there, please?
The courses for our regular dinner are: appetizer, soup, salad, choice of the main course, dessert, coffee.
All right.  We will have it.
Today’s mutton chop is very good.  Would you like to have it as the main course?
That’s a good idea.  And as for dessert, we’ll have apple pie.  We’d like to have some coffee afterwards.
Good, here’s your appetizers.  Your dinner will be ready in five minutes.

What shall we have, Tom?
Shall we have some roast beef this time?
It is better rare or medium rare.
Well, I’m not used to having it rare.
All right, you can have it well done if you wish.
Well done, then.

So, Simon, what do you think of the food?
Oh, it’s great.  With $250 per person, we can have Chinese, Japanese, Italian and French food.  It’s an incredible deal.  I wonder if they can really make money out of this.
Sure, they can.  You see, everything is taken into account.  They figure a person’s stomach can only handle this much, even when it’s empty.
That’s true.  We’ll never get our money’s worth, no matter how hungry we are.
Except you only pick the expensive variety.
For example?
For example, seafood, like scallops, prawns, oysters and so on.
But again one can not only consume that much of seafood.  Too much of it can cause allergic reaction.
You’re right.  Oh well, let’s just enjoy the variety and take it slowly.

A table for how many, sir?
Four.  We’d like a table by the air-conditioner.
This way, please.
(After they are seated.)
Would you like to order now?
Just a minute.  Let me take a look at the menu first.  (He reads.)  What’s your specialty today?
Fish and pickle soup.
Is it spicy?
A little.  There is black pepper in it.
That’s OK, as long as there is no chili in it.
Why, you don’t like chili?  Without chili nothing has much taste.
Come on, not everyone is from Sichuan.  Let’s have that fish soup.  What about eggplant and pork in brown sauce?  
And fresh water shrimp?
How would you like shrimp?   Cooked in tomato sauce or scalded in clear water?
Scalded.  This’s the best way to preserve their freshness, and we can dip them in soy sauce and vinegar.
OK.  (To waitress)  Could you recommend one more dish for us?
Why don’t you have a chafing dish?  It’s just in the season.  You have a choice of mutton or beef.
That’s a good suggestion.  Mutton, then.
Anything to drink?
Pepsi, please.
Pepsi is for girls.  Let’s have two jars of beer.
Yes, beer.
An appetizer to go with the beer?
No.  That’s all we need.
(After the meal)
The bill, please.
Let’s go Dutch.
All right.
Hi, Henry.  What a surprise to see you here!
Oh, this isn’t my first time.
Why aren’t you eating at the guest house?
I came all the way here to study Chinese, and I really want to live like a Chinese, not kept pent up in a foreign guest house.
Can you manage chopsticks?
Why not?  See.  (He shows off his skill)
Good mastery.  How do you like our Chinese food?
Oh, great!  It’s delicious.  You see, I’m already putting on weight.  There is one thing I don’t like however, MSG.
What’s wrong with MSG?  It helps to bring out the taste of the food.
According to some studies it may cause cancer.
Oh, don’t let that worry you.  If that were true, China wouldn’t have such a large population.
I just happen to have a question for you.  Why do the Chinese cook the vegetables?  You see what I mean, most vitamins are destroyed when heated.
I don’t know exactly.  It’s a tradition, maybe it’s for sanitary reason.
I think people have come to realize the point.  So nowadays people just give it a quick stir over a strong fire to shorten the cooking time.  This may better preserve the vitamins and other nutritious elements.
That reminds me of something.  Have you heard that some American families are reluctant to rent rooms to Chinese students?
No, why not?
It’s simply because Chinese cooking makes the kitchen oily.  Chinese cooking is well known for stir-frying and deep-frying, and the cooking oil splatters all over the place and sticks onto everything.
Yeah, that’s true.  At home we equipped powerful ventilator in the kitchen, and very soon the ventilator itself is dripping with oil.  My mom hates the grease, but she doesn’t have any alternative.
Maybe we’ll have to change to western food and bake things instead of frying them in oil.
Oh, you’re kidding.  If that were the case, what a great loss for the world.

Henry, what’s happened to your appetite?  You eat as little as the girls.
Me?  For lunch I just take a little, dinner is my big meal.  Which is your main meal?
Lunch and the dinner are almost the same to me.  How about you Xiao Qian?
Well, I prefer to have rice and steamed bread at lunch, and stuffed buns with porridge for dinner.
Yeah.  At home lunch seems to be the main meal.  In the evening we are used to having MANTOU and porridge with leftover dishes from lunch.
To most people in the United States who have a job, dinner is the main meal, because there is only one-hour lunch break.  In that case they only have time to grab some fast food.  A working day usually ends at 5 o’clock, and then they have time to prepare something more elaborate for the whole family.
Do American colleges have dinner halls like ours?
Yeah, sort of, but not exactly the same.  In most cases I think we call them cafeterias.  You get a tray and go along the food counter.  You can choose what you like, and you pay a cashier at the end of the line.  
What about you usually have?
Let me tell you.  We don’t have such a variety of foods as you have here.  It’s almost the same all the year round.  A typical lunch may consist of a burger or sandwich, a vegetable or fruit salad, a dessert, and a coke or coffee.
One would certainly lose his appetite if he ate the same thing day after day.
It’s not that bad.  There are many small restaurants near campus.  You can go to a Pizza Hut or an Italian restaurant for a change.
How many dishes do you have for dinner?
We don’t call them “dishes”.  We call them “courses”.  We would start with soup, and then fish or meat, followed by a salad, and last dessert and coffee.
The dessert sounds most appealing to me.
You must have a sweet tooth, but look out, that’s were the calories are.
I don’t care much about the calories.
Too much calories can make us uncomfortable at night.
I just know sweet foods can help me become happier.
Yes, sweet foods can help that.
So I like them.
Maybe I’ll have a try.

* 엔죠라이프님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2006-03-23 21:32)
* 이동한 이유 : 적합한 게시판으로 이동합니다.
* 원래의 위치 : 커뮤니티 >> 자유 게시판
* 이동후 위치 : 서비스 >> 영어공부 자료실
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IP: ♡.62.♡.75
반장 걸 (♡.42.♡.221) - 2006/04/02 13:37:44

우와~~ 멎져. 나도 영어 공부하고 싶은데. 넘 힘들어요. 초보자여서. 지금 배우고 싶은 것은 한국회사에서 자주 쓰는 한국식 영어가 어디 있스시면 배우고 싶어요. 가능합니까. 하지만 당신 정말 멎져요.

좋은사람 (♡.39.♡.185) - 2006/05/05 16:36:32

영어가 딱 싫어 죽겠는뎅 넘~ 필요하넹요 ! 근데 영어 4급 넘기가 힘든가요? 4급이면 괜찮을거 같은데 !

리동철 (♡.25.♡.139) - 2006/05/06 10:33:35

it s OK, thank you so much...

(♡.162.♡.165) - 2006/07/22 22:10:32

Thanks a lot for what you've done for us.

신데렐라 (♡.41.♡.169) - 2006/08/06 23:55:28

thanks a lot.you give me great help

올리브 (♡.40.♡.161) - 2006/08/29 10:35:47

저기~영어공부 자료실에 어떻게 들어가는지 알려주실래요?
거기에 들어가면 영어공부하는데 도움이 될거라 생각하는데...

조영철 (♡.215.♡.253) - 2006/08/29 15:51:49

영어 배우고 싶은데 기초지식도 없지 너무 힘들어 ㅠㅠ..

갈매기눈섭 (♡.35.♡.221) - 2006/09/17 12:25:07

고수님들 안녕,,,영어야말로 참배우고도 배우고 싶어요,,,ABCD도 제대로 모르고 있고 학교 다닐 조건도 안되여 있는데 어느 고수님이 이런조건에서 저를 가르쳐 주시게어요..저의 메일은 <a href=mailto:csycxsh@hotmail.com>csycxsh@hotmail.com</a> 부탁과 감사를 옳리 게습니다

바다 (♡.147.♡.114) - 2006/10/06 21:02:07

저도 많이 배우고 싶은데... 도와주시면 감사하고요...
들을수는 없는가요?
어떻게 하면 되져?

어렵니? (♡.190.♡.220) - 2006/10/09 15:40:59

저 처럼 매일 빠짐없이 배우면 됩니다

영어도시 (♡.48.♡.48) - 2006/11/09 21:04:35

한국어로 된 영어문법책을 중국어로 번역하는 작업입니다.
한국에서 쓰는 영문법 용어와 중국에서 쓰는 용어가 차이가 있으므로
영어문법을 공부한 분이어야 합니다.
그 외 한-중어 숙지하는 대학생 아르바이트나 또는 경력자 환영.

leapup2u @ hanmail. net 으로 소개와 영어에 대한 수준을 자세히 보내주시길 바랍니다.
검토후 연락드림.
비용결정은 추후 협의함.
구인란에 글 올렸습니다. 참고하시길.

★빛난별★ (♡.93.♡.231) - 2006/12/19 18:53:51

ㅋ ... 좋은데 뜻풀이는 없는지요?

눈물과비 (♡.1.♡.252) - 2006/12/21 13:19:20

wo ye shi a

하늘~ (♡.82.♡.215) - 2007/01/08 15:36:40

안녕하세요.. 저두 초보자인데..무엇이라 씌였는지 알수가 없네요. 될수 영어옆에라 뜻풀이만 있으면은 더 완벽하지 않을까요?

큰형님 (♡.32.♡.142) - 2007/03/11 19:47:13

i love you o~ye ~~!!

홍님 (♡.181.♡.103) - 2007/03/15 14:09:08

좋은 정보네요..저는요 음...문장 거의 읽을줄은 아는데 뜻을 몰라요...이런경우는 단어랑 품사등 외우고 기억하는수밖에 없겟죠? 아직 시간이 안될지라 영어공부 더 자세히 배울수가 없어서 안타깝네요.

leech (♡.86.♡.161) - 2007/04/03 15:54:50

승타님: 영어를 아주 잘 하시것 같은데요 한가지 묻고 싶습니다
전에 친구 엠피쓰리에서 한국 오석태선생님의 테프를 들었는데 정말 세심하게 잘 가르치더군요. 넘 길지도 않구 의미두 아주 상세하게 해석해주셔서 아주 재밌더군요.
근데 제 기초가 좋지 않다보니 듣기만 하면 확실히 무슨 말을 하는지 영어를 똑똑히 듣을수 없었어요. 그래서 자전두 못찾구 ....혹시 엠피쓰리에 넣어다니며 들을수 있구 또 책도 있어서 들어서 확실히 모르는것은 책두 보메 배울수 있는 좋은 교제가 없을가요? 부탁드립니다. 저는 영어를 고중필업했습니다. 어느분 좋은 교제가 있으면 알려주세요 감사합니다

연애시대 (♡.42.♡.166) - 2007/06/09 11:21:42

단어를 많이 외워두면 회화에 많이 도움이 되는거 아닙니까 ?

미란 (♡.192.♡.17) - 2007/06/29 10:08:18

그러게여.해석 까지 있었다면 좋겠는데

가슴아파도 (♡.136.♡.42) - 2007/06/29 15:45:15

엥... 번역까지 해주신다면은 진짜루 감하겟는디...

박광철 (♡.18.♡.196) - 2007/07/18 16:03:35

영어를 많이 배우고 싶었는데 가정영향으로 그만 두었어요,
도와줄수 있는분은 있어요, 감사드림니다,
동관시예요, 메신저, <a href=mailto:piaoguangzhechina@hotmail.com>piaoguangzhechina@hotmail.com</a>

가시 (♡.63.♡.116) - 2007/08/01 18:23:57

pan 을 한국어로 뭐라고 하는지요
알려 주시면 고맙습니다

mirany (♡.208.♡.76) - 2007/11/23 00:25:28

정말 넘 멋져요....
번역까지 해주면 끝내주겠는데...

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